Mission statements for surveying firms: how to write one

Can you explain the purpose of your surveying firm in just a few words? In addition to providing clear direction for future growth, a mission statement can help you differentiate yourself from the competition. These steps from Surventrix will help you create a mission statement that resonates with your clients and you. 

Over the past few months, we’ve seen many surveyors build new brands and create some great examples of mission statements. These statements even work well in Surventrix displayed visually as part of your quotation process (book a demo with us and see how!), and help to make the difference between you and another firm being chosen for the work.

Why? Because it makes you more different, relevant and preferred.

Mission statements: what are they?

You should include a mission statement in your business's marketing materials. It usually consists of one sentence or a short paragraph that explains what your practice does, what your values are, and how you can help your clients.

"Providing high-quality surveying services to support our clients future." This an example of a surveying practice's mission statement.

A few examples of successful company mission statements follow: 

  1. Apple: “To bring the best user experience to its customers through its innovative hardware, software, and services.”

  2. Starbucks: “To inspire and nurture the human spirit - one person, one cup, and one neighbourhood at a time.” 

  3. Twitter: “To give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.”

Getting the basics right

You should ask yourself the following questions before drafting your mission statement: 

  • How would you describe your essential services? 

  • Can you tell me how you deliver them? 

  • Is this service intended for whom? 

  • What are the problems you solve for clients? 

As you answer, you will discover the values that drive your practice, as well as the fundamental principles that guide it. 

Integrity is key

Creating a mission statement that's true to your practice is important, even if it's tempting to copy and paste other statements. When you have an authentic mission statement, you can communicate what makes your service unique and stay motivated to keep your practice on track. Colleagues and clients may become disengaged if your practice runs contrary to your mission statement. 

Listed out the descriptive words that resonate with your colleagues may be useful if you work with them. You should keep the tone of your mission statement consistent with what your brand stands for - for example, if you strive to help clients understand the complex world of property, building and construction, keep your language simple and jargon-free. 

Make sure you consider your clients

It's important to think about what makes your practice different from other practices when creating an inspiring mission statement. Take a moment to consider your own consumer behavior - other than cost, what motivates you to choose a particular brand?

Ask yourself these questions similarly to how you developed your practice fundamentals: 

  • What kind of clients do you have?

  • What is their location?  

  • Why do they choose you?

Answering these questions can help you identify the principles that resonate with your clients. 

Put it on display

Your mission statement should be shared with colleagues, existing clients, and potential clients once you are satisfied with it. Put it in a prominent place on your website in your 'About Us' section - it's an important part of your marketing. You might also consider adding it to your business cards or marketing materials. 

Don't forget that your mission statement isn't set in stone once it's published. In order to ensure your mission statement continues to reflect the purpose of your practice, it's a good idea to revisit it every year.


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