Developing confidence in building conservation

Training and mentoring combining the ethos of building conservation
with the performance of technology.

Would you like further training in historic building surveys?

This training is for anyone who wants to expand their knowledge, broaden their skill set, change career direction, or bring together technical training and life skills will benefit from this program.

The sessions will be delivered virtually by Ian Bullock and Stephen Boniface by MS Teams and pre-recorded for attendees to access as and when suits their schedule.

Ian Bullock - Surventrix

Ian Bullock

Stephen Boniface - BE Conservation

Stephen Boniface
BE Conservation

What we’ll cover

Timber Framed Buildings:

This section explores the history, design, and construction of timber-framed buildings, including their unique structural challenges and preservation techniques.

Timber Framed Buildings:

This section explores the history, design, and construction of timber-framed buildings, including their unique structural challenges and preservation techniques.

Brick Buildings:

You'll learn about the properties of brick as a building material, the construction methods used for brick buildings, and the challenges related to their conservation.

Damp & Moisture in Buildings:

Focused on understanding how moisture can affect the structural integrity of buildings, including issues like rising damp, condensation, and mould, and how to address these problems.

Structural Movement:

This will cover the reasons for and types of structural movement in buildings, including settlement, thermal expansion, and the impact of foundation issues.

Pre-War Buildings and Building Conservation:

The course will emphasise the importance of understanding older buildings, particularly pre-war structures, their unique construction methods, and how to conserve them for future generations.

This program aims to create a safe and encouraging community environment for a pleasurable learning experience.

Surventrix Training

Data Capture, LiDAR & Site Notes Management

  • Report Writing

    Report Writing

    You'll learn the best practices for writing reports, likely focusing on creating clear, comprehensive, and professional reports for assessing buildings and documenting their condition.

  • Mobile App Data Capture

    Mobile App Data Capture

    This will introduce tools and techniques for using mobile apps to collect data on-site, perhaps involving forms, photos, and measurements.

  • LiDAR

    You'll learn how to use Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology, which uses laser scanning to create detailed 3D maps of buildings and their surroundings, often used in conservation and analysis.

  • Site Notes

    Site Notes

    This part may focus on documenting observations during site visits, including taking detailed notes and using apps to track issues and progress in real time.

Register your interest

if you’re interested in broadening your knowledge and understanding of surveying traditional buildings with the added efficiencies that the Surventrix PropTech tools can bring, please register using the form.

We anticipate the start date will be late spring/early summer 2025 subject to demand.