Total peace of mind for your firm

Through every step of the Compliance process, Surventrix's systems are
designed to support you.

Company set-up

During the set-up process in Surventrix, you are requested to input your ‘Regulated by’ status which is featured during the quote stage and mapped to your reports. This ensures the client is notified of who has sent the quotation and when.

Additionally, Surventrix ensures that no reports are sent to the client if the Professional Indemnity has expired, and notifies you accordingly.

This is a crucial point, and forms part of our checklist when sending reports. For those new to surveying, your Professional Indemnity cover gives you protection in the event that you are accused of providing incorrect or faulty advice which causes financial loss to your client.

Audit and Peer Review:

Audit and Peer Review - Surventrix

The job of a surveyor can entail many things but typically includes inspecting and reporting on buildings, structual damage, defect analysis, valuation and making associated recommendations.

In your firm, each surveyor may have different qualifications and fields of expertise.

The Offices function in Surventrix enables you to ‘assign’ the right surveyor to the right instruction, which will help with the process of creating and delivering the project, along with providing a sign off feature.

It’s also very handy for admin teams when planning different geographical locations that you are operating in, in addition to the offices your surveyors work from.

Case Logs

Surventrix creates an automated log entry for each change made to a client instruction and displays them in a user-friendly way in the footer of each of your projects.

With this information, you can always check when something was created, changed, edited, sent to client and by whom, enabling you and your colleagues to verify the accuracy of a change, it’s outcome and why it was made.

This can be of great assistance in supporting you with audit, quality control, training and compliance.

Conflict Check

RICS members and regulated firms are encouraged to have procedures in place to deal with conflicts of interest. Our conflict checker will provide you with guidance as to whether you have visited a specific property address before, enabling you to make a decision. For those new to Surventrix, we offer the opportunity to add legacy data to the system, which we can upload for you on your behalf.

RICS members have an obligation to identify and manage conflicts in accordance with the statement and keep records of decisions made, informed consent obtained, and any measures taken to avoid conflicts arising.

Regulated firms meanwhile must have, or implement, effective systems and controls appropriate to the size and complexity of their business to ensure compliance. Therefore, it is essential that both members and regulated firms have refined or put in place effective systems for managing conflicts of interest. The consequences of not having done so range from enforcement action from RICS to professional negligence claims.

Surveyors Declaration Process

Surveyors Declaration Process

From the start of the instruction to the handover and storage. Surventrix helps you to ensure that all instructions have clearly defined identification, names, numbers and affiliates - legally compliant sign off process and liability. This includes ensuring that Terms and Conditions have been provided.

All of the above helps to support our clients goals in sustainable surveying. Surventrix goes a long way to ensuring that you and your customers are protected at each and every stage, and is what makes Surventrix different and more relevant than ever for surveyors and admin teams when using software.

One system, that does it all