Online reputation management for surveying firms

You can learn a lot about your firm's services from online reviews. In order to improve your surveying firm's online reputation, managing and responding to reviews should be a significant part of your digital strategy.

While you can't control what people say about you online, you can take ownership of the narrative, address any issues, and show a genuine interest in your clients' experiences by actively managing the reviews. Online reviews have become very important to our growing community of surveyors at Surventrix.

Online reviews: why should you respond?

People's perception of your brand is heavily influenced by reviews. It's unlikely that prospective clients or job applicants will rely on your word alone to decide whether they'll engage with your firm - they'll also want to hear how other people feel about you.

Almost 83% of Gen Z customers said they would recommend others not to purchase from a brand that has a bad reputation, according to Trustpilot research conducted at the start of 2020.

In replying to reviews professionally, you demonstrate your responsiveness, interest in your clients, and proactive approach to resolving issues.

Even a negative review can be turned into an example of your great customer service.

Managing and responding to your Google reviews can also boost your local SEO, giving you a better chance of ranking higher in search results.

Surveyor reviews

Responses to client reviews

In practical terms, responding to a review will differ depending on the platform. 

If you haven't already, you'll need to claim access to your Google My Business profile in order to respond to a Google review. To respond to reviewers on other websites, you may need to sign up.

It should be fairly straightforward to reply from there, but there are some best practices to keep in mind.

Reviewing good reviews and responding to them

A quick 'thank you' is often appreciated, even if you don't need to respond to every positive review. 

You should respond to reviews with new information if it's relevant, but avoid being too salesy or attempting to pressure happy customers.

Feature positive reviews on your website or in marketing materials to take advantage of them in other ways. Give credit to team members where credit is due and share them internally as well!

Dealing with negative reviews

Dealing with negative reviews for surveyors

You may receive an unhappy review from time to time. It's never a good feeling, but resist the temptation to argue back. 

Address the issue in a genuine manner instead. Acknowledge mistakes made and explain what steps you have taken or will take to rectify them. 

Reviewers will feel heard if you respond in an empathetic way to their concerns. Apologies aren't necessary for things that weren't your fault.

Additionally, you should offer to speak directly with the client over the phone or via email to resolve issues.

Fake or inappropriate reviews: what to do

You can report reviews and request that they be removed if they violate Google's content policies. The review might need to be removed if it doesn't appear genuine or contains offensive content. 

It's important to keep in mind that Google won't intervene in disputes over the facts of a review, so if you disagree with something a reviewer has said, you should contact them directly.

How else should surveyors manage their online reputations?

The practice of monitoring online information about your brand to protect and improve its public perception is one example of online reputation management.

Other areas to consider are:

  • Make sure your online presence is consistent: Make sure your company details, imagery, logo, and tone of voice are consistent across your website, social media accounts, and any other platforms you use.

  • Putting a strong emphasis on customer experience: Providing your clients with a wonderful experience from the moment they contact your firm to after they have received services is the best way to improve your reputation. Your firm will benefit more from the praise of happy customers, both online and in person.

  • Tracking and responding to social media activity:
    There is a reason why social media is called social. Any comments or questions people make about your firm on any of your channels should be monitored and responded to.

In all areas of reputation management, defining and maintaining a strong brand is crucial. It provides consistency, expresses your company values, and instills trust in anyone who interacts with your company.


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