Surventrix: Our biggest update yet

Here are the latest release notes for Surventrix in June 2023. This overview provides a detailed update of all the new features, enhancements and fixes based on your feedback that will be released today.

Instruction Notifications

A bubble count (in orange) is now available to show the user how many instructions they need to review, during the office review stage of a case. Surveyors and Admin teams will find this feature in the Instructions Area. Once you have signed off your report, head over to the Office Review section to send your reports and archive.

Cost Table Field Type

A cost table can now be created within a report on request and integrates seamlessly with your data capture app. This feature is useful for surveyors that require the addition of costs in their reports.

Customisable Sign Off Declaration Sheet

We now provide the option to remove the Surventrix sign off sheet at the end of a report.

For example, if a firm has their own report format, with their own sign off sheet, they can now use that. As the sign off sheet declaration refers to RICS standards, this will also be useful for firms not affiliated with RICS.

New Diary Tool Update

We have now launched a new diary tool to the system that can be used by admin and surveyors when creating a new quotation or booking a case.

By clicking the calendar icon next to the dropdown, users will be able to check and confirm lead in times and availability. The diary system and instruction area now includes a Calendar invite.

An iCal notification is sent to the client and the primary surveyor when an appointment is booked and the "appointment details updated". This notification includes an iCal invite that the recipient can use to add the appointment directly to their calendar for reference. As the invite is configured as iCal, it is compatible with all calendar formats.

Mobile App V1.8 Updates

Due to rapid growth, we have updated the overall quality, eliminated duplication, and streamlined services. 

How to update your app: There are two ways to update the Surventrix mobile app: If you have auto update switched on, this will automatically update the app. Manually by visiting the iOS app store and clicking update on the Surventrix app. 

V1.8. The version number of the Surventrix app will now appear in the settings area so we can now tell which version a user has during support.

New Guidance Notes Feature

A survey type can now include a fully customisable guidance note file which is sent to the mobile app and appears in the surveyor's instruction folder for reference on site.

This will prove useful for any specific company reporting requirements in the field such as minimum photo requirements in reports, costing information, and general information for a surveyor.

The Guidance Notes feature is particularly useful for trainee or newly qualified surveyors as a company specific reference and benchmark.

Instruction Banners

Instruction banners can be also added onto any survey type which appears as a red banner on the web app, which is also sent to the mobile app for the surveyors reference in the field. Again, this is fully customisable.

Photo File Management

There has been an update to how your images are managed on the system.

The image sync process has now been updated to speed up image sync and avoid web app duplication if images were selected from the inspection folder.

Google Maps

Maps have been migrated to google maps for greater flexibility and navigation use on mobile devices with a data connection.

Supporting you

Don't forget to contact the Surventrix team if you have any questions. We're here to help you every step of the way. We can be contacted at


Surventrix launches new Diary feature


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